We organize & participate on various webinars to support expert discussion and stakeholder engagement on the topic, bringing together key local CEE and EU policymakers & other stakeholders.

DSA webinar O3/2022

The EU has been witnessing the discussions on the proposals initiating restrictions on personalized marketing last weeks and months. New legislative framework Digital Service Act (DSA) is structured to shape the digital future across the EU in the upcoming period. DSA addresses topics such as blanket ban on targeted adverts, limiting on market dominance, spreading of hate speech and more. It also aims to modernize directives of the EU. See more in the webinar.

DMA webinar 2022

The Digital Market Act (DMA) is one of the complex legislations with the ambition to unify the digital single market of the European Union. The proposal came in December 2020 by the European Commission and within over a year, we see the proposals and discussions coming from the European Council and from the European Parliament. 


DSA/DMA webinar 2021

The Slovak Alliance for Innovation Economy (SAPIE) and the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia (AmCham) as the business associations call for strengthening the Digital Single Market across the European Union and continuously appeal for building a policy environment supporting innovation and digitisation in CEE.

DSA/DMA webinar 2020

Webinar is designed to support expert discussion and stakeholder engagement on the DSA/DMA, bringing together key local CEE and EU policymakers & other stakeholders. The discussion will serve to support national discussions around the time of publication of the Commission’s proposals and lay ground for cooperation and dialogue between key public private and public stakeholders on this topic.