Innovation Day with ambassadors

On October 19, 2022 SAPIE was the prime host of Innovation day, a regular visit of foreign ambassadors accredited to the Slovak Republic to Slovak innovative businesses and scientific and research institutions organized by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic.

Innovation days are one of the key activities of Slovak economic diplomacy through which the ambassadors can encounter the greatest names of the Slovak innovation ecosystem. Such events as Innovation day allow the economy to open the gates for foreign investment, export opportunities and cross-border cooperation creation. Their primary objective is to showcase the good practice examples and help support the expansion of Slovak innovative ideas abroad. The idea was initially developed in September 2020 by State Secretary Ingrid Brocková, who remains the main patron and promoter of the event.

Together with our member enterprise VacuumGroup and our Board Member, CEO & Co-founder VacuumGroup, Marián Porvažník, we welcomed our guests at the premises of the coworking the Spot.

The ambassadors were introduced to the activities and projects of SAPIE that help enhance innovations and digitalization by our Executive Director, Michal Kardoš.

His presentation was complemented by Mary MacPherson, President of the Slovak-American Foundation, who spoke more about the evolution of the Slovak innovation ecosystem.

The world of innovative technology solutions in VacuumGroup was presented by Marián Porvažník, who also entertained the ambassadors by a short quiz.

We concluded our Thursday afternoon meeting with a little walk to the terrace of The Spot, where we feasted our eyes on sunny Bratislava.

By this means, we thank the State Secretary for naming us the main host of the 20th edition of Innovation day.


Informal meeting for members - Chatovačka


Looking towards the Future of Work