Košice Region - the Cradle of Global Innovations

We decided to move our office for two days to Košice and use this time to discover the local innovation ecosystem. When we get on the train back to Bratislava, we used the entire 5,5-hour-long journey to talk about the greatly inspiration success stories we had seen there. Learn more about these interesting stories by reading this article below.

Did you know that there are Slovak scientists based in Košice region who belong to the top 2% of researchers in the world?

Have you ever heard that there is a podcast dedicated to cats which is lead by the top Slovak researcher into the behaviour of cats?

Or that Slovakia has the largest company in Central and Eastern Europe focused on the sale of nutrition for sports and health, healthy foods, sportswear and accessories?

All of these cool facts come the Eastern part of Slovakia and they are just a few examples of the award-winning projects of Košice Region Innovation Awards 2023 which we attended. Košice region is indeed full of a wonderful talent pool and we were also happy to see that two of our members spinbotics and Nordics.io ranked on the 1st and 3rd place in the category “The best startup in the Košice region”. Congratulations, guys!

While in Košice, we dug more into the topic of global innovations from the east and organised a successful morning innovation breakfast with the local community. We welcomed our speakers Michal Gula Tomas Barnas Tomas Vojtek who enriched the audience with insightful thoughts and personal experience and advice:

👉They highlighted the power of Linkedin for businesses 💪 Building business brand by personal brand is the new black in the sales process.
👉Mentioned that education is important, but let’s distinguish what kind of information are the most relevant. (English and Mathematics are not boring subjects, they’re the key to the world of technology).
👉We say it so often but yet we need to say it again - learn the kids what innovation means and watch how Slovakia evolves into a tech tiger 🐅
👉And not less importantly, trust and cooperation between private and public sector is a must!

Thank you Košice for having us and cannot wait to meet you all soon!


Innovations, the driving engine


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