The Danube Valley: From Manufacturers to Innovators

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On November 30, SAPIE together with IPM Growth and GLOBSEC co-organized the firts of its kind event that highlighted the growing reputation of the Danube Valley region as a hub for technological innovation. The event attracted a diverse crowd of entrepreneurs who were keen to learn more about the region’s success stories and opportunities for further growth and development.

The program of the event was divided into two panel discussion blocs - the first panel discussion focused on the future of energy and mobility, whilst the second panel discussion examined the opportunities that the regional cooperation holds for Bratislava, Vienna and Budapest. 

The first panel discussion of three panelists Igor Kocis (GA Driling), Rado Danilak (Tachyum) and Douglas MacAndrew (Aeromobil) led by Marian Gazdik from IPM focused on the future of energy and mobility and industry's search for greener and more efficient alternatives to the conventional resources and means of transport. It’s undoubtedly encouraging that some of the most innovative and ground-breaking solutions concerning energy and mobility can trace their origins to the Danube Valley region, such as GA Drilling, Tachyum or ESS.  These three companies offer complex and globally applicable solutions that combine energy production, efficiency and storage. However, a much-needed breakthrough in the mobility sector comes from AeroMobil, which has developed the first flying car at ready-to-use stage. 

The second panel discussion led by Rastislav Kulich (Google, SAPIE) and attended by Lenka Surotchak (Pontis Foundation), Zoltan Varga (investor) and Peter Gajdos (Presidion Partners) focused on the ways to stimulate this innovation and build upon already promising forms of regional cooperation.  Close proximity of Bratislava, Vienna and Budapest create the ideal conditions for stimulating positive synergies in an innovative economy and outward looking civil society. To assist, the Danube Valley Innovation Cluster aims to connect innovation leaders with corporate partners, policy makers and society builders to mitigate brain drain and promote diversity. The key to its success is a private-led, public-supported partnership of ecosystem leaders with the ultimate goal of maximising innovative GDP by helping local innovative companies to grow.

The event was followed by a networking dinner that sealed many newly tied partnerships between Slovakia, Hungary and Austria. This event was the first of many events focusing on the topic of regional innovation promotion as the Danube Valley has vast potential as entrepreneurial and innovative region. It’s up to innovators at home and abroad to harness its full potential. Many of our distinguished guests seemed up for the challenge.

To see the full discussion, click here


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